Therapists & Healers: Want total clarity in your Brand Message?
Newly released at the pilot price of £299 - Now £222 with SPECIAL SAVINGS ON THIS PAGE FOR A LIMITED TIME
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Branding with Archetypes: Stand out Authentically

There is so much noise out there, you need to stand out. 

And because you care about making a difference, standing out needs to be done authentically, so that your soul-level clients see you. 

Those who need *you* to help them with exactly what you are brilliant at

There may be many people out there offering something similar to you. 

But – they are NOT you. 

There are people are out there who need YOU doing what you do. 

Your brand is the thing that makes the difference, and not in some false, gimmicky way. 

Your authentic brand creates a soul to soul connection and Branding with Archetypes helps you do exactly that.

Discover the Brand Archetypes which perfectly capture your spirit, personality and passion 

Create the Soul of your Brand Guide 

Get Crystal Clarity on how to turn your uniqueness into your biggest business asset - without compromising your values

 The essential messaging foundation upon which all successful marketing depends

This is not about choosing fonts and colours and designing logos.

This is about transforming YOU into an authentic brand you can instantly use to project the true essence of your business


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Branding with Archetypes
Available for the first time, for £299
- £222 with special VIP  saving

"If you are struggling with your brand message or struggle to attract the clients that you really want to work with then you need to sign up to this course”

  • Total payment
  • 1xBranding with Archetypes with Savings£222

All prices in GBP

Here's how it works:

You get Instant access to four, easy to snack on online modules of videos and supporting worksheets.

Including your Brand Archetypes Quiz 

You get the full set of downloadable Archetype Cards

And BONUS Access to the Client and Student only group: Business For the Soul Community - you can use this to ask any questions you may have as you go through the programme 

All sprinkled with lots of love, of course!

"WOW, Cathy what can I say but thank you.

I have just been reflecting on what was the most amazing workshop

Prior to the workshop I had an idea of my brand but never really understood how to translate this, make it real and make it mine. 

This is no more! 

I have never been more truly aligned with my business, its purpose and its brand

I was amazed at the learning from the course and how easily it led me to many lightbulb moments of clarity

Cathy this workshop has already had a massive impact, on my business and I am so much more confident to continuing growing the brand as it now has a soul"

Sharon Wallerson
Inspiring Therapist & founder of Grow Therapeutic Coaching

I am so confident that this will bring you amazing clarity in your message, that I put my money where my mouth is. If you genuinely think it's not the bees knees, then I will refund you within 14 days of purchase