Complete Confidence working with Smokers

For Hypnotherapists:
Everything you need to help your smoking clients get completely and permanently free

Wouldn't it be amazing if you had a structured framework you could use

with all of your smoking clients ...and still be able to tailor it completely

Relying on Scripts or 'let's see how it goes'?  You know this just doesn't cut it. Sure, there are formulaic courses you can buy, but none of them have a complete and solid framework, built from a deep understanding of how the addicted brain works, and yet still COMPLETELY flexible to tailor to each client.
You will finally have the confidence to work smokers.

Seven powerful modules covering *everything* you need for Smoking Cessation Mastery:

Module 1: The nature of Nicotine Addiction
Understand the science of addiction to laser target your therapy

Module 2: Triggers & the bad stuff
We look at the truth about smoking and why knowing that is important. We also learn how to deal with the different types of trigger

Module 3: The Bigger Picture
Vital factors that impact the physiology of the craving brain; essential for SAFE therapy

Module 4: The 7-Step Framework for Smoke-Free Clients 
A powerful framework to ensure you cover every aspect of your client's addiction, so you can tailor your sessions and *always* know where to start

Module 5: Session Structure
How to design the optimal structure for pre-session, the session itself and post-session

Module 6: Follow-Up Sessions
Why do some clients need to come back? How to follow-up to ensure the change is permanent

Module 7 A Business Model A model for working with smokers that can earn you high fees and have more clients saying YES, and getting the best results

There is no other training out there that takes the neuroscience of addiction and applies it directly to a powerful framework for working with smokers

even if you are working online with your clients 

On top of the modules you'll get
Special Interview with a risk specialist so you'll know exactly how to keep your clients safe

Client Forms


Learn some new techniques you can use throughout your practice

Insider Facebook Group to ask me any questions as you go

Big Savings for QCHPA members (check the CPD section in your members' area for your coupon)

...all for only £995 for the complete course package
which means you will be in profit after your second client

You will be able to easily charge £750 or more for your stop smoking services with the business model taught in the course, and know that your client is still saving a fortune AND possibly even their life.

What you get with each module

Full video training

Worksheet to make it easy to take notes and learn

Supporting resources

Lifetime* access (* for the lifetime of the progamme: if I have to take it down, you will be given the opportunity to download the materials)

A great deal of love

in a way that does the selling for you 

Introducing a tool that does the selling for you, and has you always prepared.


To make it super easy to pay while you learn and earn

The 'Get Complete Confidence working with Smokers' complete package is just £995
(instalment options available with NO extra cost)
"One of the best courses I've ever been on"

"This is one of the best courses I've ever been on. It's packed full of information, examples, resources and you make it very easy to understand."

Wendy Capewell
Author, Hypnotherapist, Counsellor, Psychotherapist
"100% Success Rate"

"This is a brilliant course and has changed how I work with smokers. I have 100% success rate and only one client has needed a second session. If you are thinking of doing this, think no longer. It is well worth it."

Carole Samuda
Cognitive Hypnotherapist
"More equipped, more confident"

"I feel more equipped, more confident, more hopeful. I'm aware of so many things that I wouldn't have been (being a lifelong non-smoker). It's made me feel enthusiastic about doing this work. Yes - it's work I *want* to be doing."

Eve Parminter
Cognitive Hypnotherapist

Your Trainer: Cathy Simmons

Passionate about helping smokers get free permanently, Cathy has extensively studied the neuroscience of addiction in order to apply the hypnotherapist's toolkit in a laser-targeted way.
She is a trainer and Business Consultant to therapists, healers and spiritually-minded entrepreneurs with a mission to raise the level of excellence in helping others, and have more therapists have a flourishing and profitable practice doing what they love most

Questions you might be asking yourself right now...
  • Who is this for?
    The training is ONLY for qualified hypnotherapists, who are fully insured and a member of a professional body.
    Evidence of qualification may be asked for.
    If you are still in training, it may still be applicable as long as you are close to qualifying. If this is you, contact me first at
  • How long will it take?
    The training was originally delivered over a period of 7 weeks, with one module per week. This is a great pace which allows the materials from each module to be fully integrated.
    Having said that, I know therapists who have binge-watched the whole lot in a few days because they have a smoker already booked in!
    Take it at your own pace.
  • How long do I get access for?
    You will never lose access to the training materials.
    If, for any reason, the materials do need to be taken down from their current online platform, I will ensure that you have links to download everything to your own computer.
    I don't see this happening any time soon.
  • Is there an instalment plan?
    Yes, I want to make it as easy as possible for you to get started saving lives.
    You can pay in 1, 2 or 3 instalments, by credit card, debit card or Paypal, whichever is easiest, and you won't be charged extra for this
The end of your frustration with smoking clients

Your very first client after doing the training will be a pure delight.

You will know EXACTLY where to start with the client before they even come and see you.

And we all know that sessions never go completely to plan, and every client reacts differently, so how wonderful it is to have a framework you can rely on, and STILL be able to treat your client as the individual that they are, and tailor your sessions just for them.

And if a client needs to come back? You now know exactly what to do and how to conduct the follow-up sessions in a way that gives them the best possible chance of getting the result they crave.
No more worry about 'what do I do next'.

Your clients will love you as they get their lives back (in so many ways), free of their old nicotine monster.

Transform your results with smokers AND your practice

There has never been a better time for this.
So many people are desperate to stop smoking right now and you can be in the position to help them now *and* start earning really good money.  Everyone wins.

  • Total payment
  • 1xGet Complete Confidence Working With smokers£0

All prices in GBP

If you have a COUPON Code, there is a space to put this at the foot of the page.  If you are on a mobile, you may find the Coupon Code space after the ‘Questions you may be asking’ section instead

Contact information

Billing address

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment£995.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay - 2 x payments2x £497.50
  • Preferred option
    Split pay - 3 x payments3x £331.67

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal


I am so confident that this will transform your work with smokers that I put my money where my mouth is. If you genuinely think it's not the bees knees, then I will refund you within 14 days of purchase.

Get Complete Confidence Working With smokers£0